
Are Volleyball Shorts Going TOO Far??

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Are Volleyball Shorts Going TOO Far?? Is there such a thing as volleyball shorts that are too short? It depends on who you ask. We're fine with it!Are Volleyball Shorts Going TOO Far??

Polish Wonder Cheeks

Showing off some volleyball cheek is not a bad thing. Look how well they play! That's the Polish way.


Do these things even qualify as shorts?


Volleyball shorts are getting to the point of thongs! Those poor girls must be so embarrassed.

Perfect Position

These things might be going too far. They know what kind of positions those girls are going to be in. Why put them in little shorts?

Group Fun

Volleyball shorts look even better in groups. Thank god for volleyball.

Beautiful Booty

We all need to show off what we got sometimes. Why would anyone deny girls that?

 So Little

They look good no matter where you look.

Even on the Beach

Big butts mean big wins.

Good for Agility

We're all about powerful women. If that means they need less clothing to play sports then we're fine with that.

College Fitness

These girls didn't have to worry about the freshman 15. That's the magic of volleyball.

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