
The Khaleesi Photoshoot - Part 1

Monday, June 17, 2013

Finally! The long waited Game Of Thrones inspired khaleesi photoshoot!

Okay. Everyone who's been reading A Song of Ice and Fire books or watching the Game of Thrones series knows who is Daenerys Targaryen. The original idea of doing this shoot was born in conversations with Maria Maunula. At first we thought she could do the photographing but then we decided that her friend, a great and talented photographer Miika Ylhäinen, will do the shooting and Maria will give directions and assist with everything.

The mother of dragons is actually described to have purple eyes in the books but we decided to stick more with the tv version since it's more recognizable. The purpose was to give the impression of regal, yet vulnerable, fierce, yet beautiful Daenerys.

I will write more than one post since there are almost 300 photos to pick my favourites from. One entry will be more specific making of post. There will also be a 3D modeled dragon added later. But here's something to begin with: some of my favourite shots. Dedicated to all you khaleesi fans. <3

Photos: Miika Ylhäinen
Assistant: Maria Maunula
MUA: Ida-Emilia Kaukonen aka Shadow Self
Pocket Belt borrowed from Cyber Shop

Cybershop was so kind to lend us this awesome pocket belt!
We had two outfits. The first one was kind of a dothraki version of Dany. This set was shot first since it was more practical to drive to the sand hills at first. The harder thing was that I would have wanted to add just a bit of dirt to my skin but then again, it wouldn't have suited the second more elegant set. Thus, we ended up using the pure skin and adding some dirt during the post edit to some of the shots.

This white gown is made of Maria's curtain and my chiffon fabric piece. It was attached to my necklace and tied with a belt. (Thanks for the tip goes to Eija from Hellsinki Rock Girls!)

More material will be coming later! Enjoy!


Shadow Self

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