
Hey Girl, That IS NOT a Dress!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hey Girl, That IS NOT a Dress! Did anyone bother to tell these girls that what they're wearing is completely NOT ok? These are not dresses! They're not even underwear. What the hell? Hey Girl, That IS NOT a Dress!

The Case of the Missing Butt

She seems a little too confident without the back of her dress. But as Bob Dylan said, "When you ain't got nothin' you got nothin' to lose."
That includes class or a dress that covers your ass. "Class Covers Ass"©

Spider Web Dress

Spiders should get credit for never wearing their webs. That sh**t is meant to catch bugs. That's not something you wear over your thong and bare breasts.

WANTED: Actual Dress

Dresses are supposed to make you look "dressed". If you think adding cheap shiny crap to a stretchy rag, you must turn yourself in to the fashion police. No exceptions.

Class Covers Ass©

Our new and legally copyrighted catch phrase explains it all. That dress doesn't cover any amount of ass. Therefore, it has no class. May we add that it is also not a dress.
This is a shoelace gone wrong.

This Can't Be Legal

This is NOT a dress. This is a shower curtain at best. Sunglasses and a purse do not make it a dress.

Shocking MESH Disaster

Forget the obvious weight issues, these dresses would look trashy on anyone. Check out that flower cut-out on the chick's stomach on the left. It's funny to think of the designer who thought that was even worth it. "Oh, here's the worst dress ever! Let's cut a flower out! That will make it beautiful!"
Anyways...It gets worse.

White Spots

This looks slightly cool when she's standing up. But think about what happens if she sits down, or does any type of physical move other than pose. In our book, dresses are more than panty hose with whipped cream slopped on.

See-Through Junk

Oh honey, this is not a dress. This is a desperate call for attention.

Trashy Ballerina

Girl, at least get yourself something from the girl's section at Target. It's going to be tight but at least it's a nicer shade of pink. #pathetic

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