
Real vs. Steal - Christian Louboutin 'Un Bout' Pumps

Monday, March 31, 2014

Real vs. Steal  
I'm going to start a new section here on our fashion blog called Real vs. Steal, there I will give you dupes of Kim's higher priced designer items! The one today features on of Kim's favorite shoes which are her $795 Christian Louboutin 'Un Bout' Pumps. She wore them literally half the year of 2012 and not to mention she has them in I believe 5 different colors! You've heard the saying 'If the shoe fits...' :) Charlotte Russe which is a very affordable juniors retailer has a similar pair in black suede and nude as well for only $33, if you are still looking to add this shoe to your collection shop the shoe HERE!

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