
Lindsay Lohan runs naked through Selfridges shopping centre

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lindsay Lohan has done a nude run through a London shopping centre, if reports from the UK are to be believed.


Apparently the actress had a personal shopper appointment at upmarket department store Selfridges, but somehow forgot the main point is trying on clothes – not taking them all off.

The 27-year-old actress ended up leading staff on a chase around the store after she left the dressing room totally naked, according to British newspaper The Sun.

"Lindsay took some items into the changing room. Halfway through, she ran out of the room with nothing on and was chased by members of staff who were trying to cover her up," a source told the UK tabloid.

"She was laughing her head off and literally giving staff the run-around as customers looked on."

The actress had another appointment in the shopping centre later the same day, but it was cancelled following her naked streak through the store.

"Lindsay was booked in for a personal shopping experience with a posh brand at the shop later that day, but it didn't happen," the source said.

A spokesperson for the actress has declined to comment on the reports.

It’s not the first time Lohan has misbehaved since promising "mentor" Oprah Winfrey to be on her best behaviour.

The talk show host made the actress promise to stay out of trouble following Lohan's court-ordered stint in rehab last year – her sixth trip to rehab so far.

However Lohan seems to have slipped back into some of her bad habits, with The Sun also reporting that the actress almost caused a Moschino party to shut down because of her wild behaviour.

"Lindsay was dancing on the table and couches by the DJ booth. Her table were getting through a lot of Tequila Patron," a source told the paper.

"Everyone was talking about her being smashed. Lindsay and her crowd were all smoking and the venue were threatening to shut the party down."

Recent reports also suggest Lohan has publically fallen out with Kate Moss, over the model’s musician husband Jamie Hince.

The two were seen arguing in the celebrity hotspot Chiltern Firehouse, apparently after Lohan contacted The Kills guitarist on her arrival in London.

"The argument went on for a while and Kate seemed extremely annoyed with Lindsay for contacting Jamie,” a source told The Sun.

"She was ranting about it to a fellow diner at the restaurant."

Despite the trouble, Lohan apparently loves London so much she's thinking about making a permanent move.

"Lindsay's convinced everyone in America is out to get her, but she's had the opposite experience in London," a source said.

"She loves British culture and says people have treated her with respect for the first time in years. Now she's looking into the immigration process and planning a full-time relocation."

Hopefully her latest antics don't spoil the local opinion of her, because the troubled actress will be in London for a little while longer at least.

She is due to make her West End debut later this year in Speed-the-Plow.

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